Apprehended & Domestic Violence Orders

AVOs are a legally binding order that aims to protect you or another person from another who may cause them to fear for their safety (domestic violence) or wellbeing.

An AVO can prevent another person from participating in the following acts toward the applicant of the AVO:

  • Making threats
  • Stalking
  • Intimidating
  • harassing

There two kinds of Apprehended Violence Orders:

AVO – Domestic Violence Orders:

– Protects the applicant from domestic violence that is usually someone the applicant lives with, e.g. family member, partner or spouse.

AVO – Personal Violence Orders:

– This is in the circumstance that the other party is done by someone such as a neighbor, co-worker or friends.

You can apply for an AVO personally or a police officer apply for one on your behalf.

If there are fears for yours or another person’s immediate safety and wellbeing, please call emergency services.

Our competent team is available and ready to facilitate a pragmatic conclusion to your concern.